
Fear can be all encompassing and all consuming, leeching all the joy out of life. If you are suffering, just know there is hope!

At SEE Hypnosis, we specialize in working with anxiety*. We have comprehensive, holistic, and individualized treatment plans specifically to address this issue!

Hypnosis works fast! A client can begin feeling relief in one session!

If you want to know what Hypnosis feels like and how it can help you feel more at ease, click here for a Complimentary Consultation, and we will teach several skills to practice, right away. That’s right, even if you don’t buy anything we will teach you these techniques, AND give you a relaxation Hypnosis session — for free.

How we work with Anxiety:

First, just know this: Our brains are set up to look for danger. A person suffering from fear is not broken. They are not at fault for feeling this way! However, just because we are built this way dosen’t mean we can’t change the wiring of our brain! We humans have a fantastic ability to re-wire neural networks called “Neuroplasticity”, and we will help you accomplish this.

Through a combination of acute relaxation techniques, thought stopping, awareness skills and of course, Hypnosis techniques such as Age Regression, Parts Therapy, Direct Suggestion & Future Projection, we will physically change your brain’s neural networks to react to stress in healthy and calm manner.

It’s time to stop simply surviving and start Thriving.

*NOTE: if a client has a diagnosis of Anxiety from a Practitioner or Therapist, we will simply contact your Practitioner and get a referral from them. However, we are not able to diagnose any mental discomfort, and are referring to “Anxiety” as it is commonly used, meaning “Daily Fear”.