Hypnosis is yours to keep, for life! You can use it whenever you need it for FREE!

The techniques used in 5-PATH Hypnosis are the most effective hypnosis techniques available. That is not to say that 5-PATH is “the best” style of Hypnotherapy, but that only the 6* most effective techniques were chosen to be included. (Although, I do believe that 5-PATH is the most well thought out and comprehensive system I have run across, but I’m biased!)

It is a quite pervasive belief that Hypnosis is a one time problem solver. However, it is important to understand that one session is not going to address all of the problems associated with your issue. We have to teach you how to be hypnotized (session 1), we have to address your history (2), we have to address your relationship with the most painful relationships you have ever had (3), we have to address your thoughts and beliefs (4), and we have to give you a clear picture of a hopeful and wonderful future (5). Getting only one hypnosis sessions is like getting a shopping-cart when you are grocery shopping, and then thinking you are done making dinner. No! You have to then shop, pay, take the groceries home, prepare the food and then eat it. There is way too much to do than one session could possibly address.

A comprehensive hypnosis sequence will take a minimum of 7 1/2 hours! And it needs to be given over a period of time, so that all the parts can be digested fully (that’s why a one 7 and a half hour session still wont work very well!)

In addition, hypnosis is not cheap.

That is a lot of investment for one issue! It is probably a great investment, because your issue will be solved — but in case it seems like the cost is too high, there is more given to you than just 5 or 6 sessions! You will already know how to be hypnotized, and you can recreate each session, on your own, for the rest of your life … for any issue!

I will teach you how! This way, you are also buying a full time hypnotist, for whatever issue comes up, that you can utilize for the rest of your life! You!

How much would it cost to have a hypnotist that can instantly be available to address your needs, for forever?

Fix your immediate concern, and then you have these tools available to you!

I practice hypnotism on myself at least 3 times a week; and each and every time I feel stronger and more able to rise to the challenges in my life.

As I have said before, I shudder to think about what my life would be like if I hadn’t learned these techniques! It is a game changer!

As always, I wish you peace because you deserve it! You deserve to be excited and involved in this beautiful world, doing your best work with joy!

If you would like to learn these techniques and solve your biggest issue, please schedule an appointment here.

*There are five 5-PATH parts for issues that do not involve addictive behaviors. There is a sixth technique that address issues that are only necessary for addiction.


You don’t know what you’re thinking.


The can opener analogy.